Youth Carbon Alliance


Restoration for Coastal Protection


Youth Carbon Alliance was born out of a desire to take meaningful action on SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production)

In the Fall of 2023, the COP28 was getting underway in the UAE – After consulting with aspiring changemakers, entrepreneurs, educators and investors, West’s visit left him inspired by compelling ideas and within him evoked a calling and sense of urgency.

At the close of 2023, West founded the Youth Carbon Alliance (YCA) in order to identify ways the youth can become involved in tackling climate change through projects around the globe.


Empower a new wave of global leaders to drive emerging cleantech industries and surpass climate neutrality, ensuring a sustainable future for generations.


To partner with investors, governments, companies, and communities to create hands-on opportunities for students and young professionals to combat climate change

Core Values


YCA believes in the transformative power of teamwork, uniting diverse stakeholders which primarily includes youth, policy makers, non-profit organizations, governments, and industries to craft innovative climate solutions.


The organization is committed to enabling youth to become proactive agents of environmental change through education and engagement.


YCA fosters a culture of creativity, encouraging the exploration of novel approaches to tackle climate challenges effectively.


Focused on actionable outcomes, YCA aims to drive significant environmental progress, making a measurable difference in the fight against climate change.

Understanding The Climate Problem

learn more
Climate Action

Tackling climate change with each project, portraying this idea of protecting the climate to companies and government organizations

Responsible Consumption And Production

promoting sustainable practice to protect our local communities

Quality Education

Opportunity for students around the world to be involved and spread awareness about the biggest climate challenges we are tackling

Sustainable Cities And Communities

Chapters are tasked with spreading awareness in their own local communities, projects tackle certain regions. Ex: oil wells in appalachians, mangroves in mozambique

Decent Work And Economic Growth

Exposing young leaders around the world to the business side of sustainability and possibly developing a passion in a possible work area and connecting students to companies


Exposing young leaders around the world to the business side of sustainability and possibly developing a passion in a possible work area and connecting students to companies

Be Force For The Future

We Are Focused On The Most Pressing Environmental Challenges

In the Fall of 2023, the COP28 was getting underway in the UAE – After consulting with aspiring changemakers, entrepreneurs, educators and investors, West’s visit left him inspired by compelling ideas and within him evoked a calling and sense of urgency.

Meet The Founder


A student at Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire utilizing interests in Foreign Affairs, Energy Transition, and innovative finance to help the world reach net zero and combat climate change.

Growing up in Dubai and participating in sustainability projects in Europe and Asia has fueled Tejas interests. Seeing the vast number of innovative technologies, ambitious projects, and new business ideas has propelled Tejas to create a platform where students and young professionals can have a hands on opportunity to make a more sustainable future.

Recently, he worked on an ESG Stakeholder project at Moove Inc. (a global mobility/FinTech company founded in Nigeria) focused on financial inclusion and energy transition. Moove made him realize that anyone can make a difference in climate change.

The Advisory Board